McNew, S. M., Loyola, D. C., Yepez, J., Andreadis, C., Gotanda, K., Saulsberry, A., & Fessl, B. (2022). Transcriptomic responses of Galápagos finches to avian poxvirus infection. Molecular Ecology, 31(21), 5552-5567. pdf

McNew, S.M., T. Boquete, S. Espinoza-Ulloa, J. Andres, N. Wagemaker, S. Knutie, C. Richards, and D.H. Clayton. 2021. Epigenetic effects of parasites and pesticides on captive and wild nestling birds. Ecology and Evolution, DOI: 10.1002/ece2.7606 pdf

McNew, S.M, L.N. Barrow, J.L. Williamson, S.C. Galen, H. Skeen, S.G. DuBay, A. M. Gaffney, A.B. Johnson, E. Bautista, P. Ordoñez, C. J. Schmitt, A. Smiley, T. Valqui, J. M. Bates, S.J. Hackett, and C. C. Witt. 2021. Contrasting drivers of diversity in hosts and parasites across the tropical Andes. PNAS 118(12): 2010714118. pdf

McNew, S.M., S.A. Knutie, and D.H. Clayton. 2020. Galápagos mockingbirds do not bias sex ratios of offspring in response to environmental stressors. Journal of Avian Biology, 51(4). pdf

McNew, S.M., G.B. Goodman, J. Yépez and D.H. Clayton. 2020. Parasitism by an invasive fly reduces future reproduction of Galápagos mockingbirds. Oecologia 1-12. pdf

Barrow, L.N., S.M. McNew, N. Mitchell, S.C. Galen, H.L. Lutz, H. Skeen, T. Valqui, J.D. Weckstein, and C.C. Witt. 2019. Deeply conserved susceptibility in a multi-host, multi-parasite system. Ecology Letters 22: 987-998. pdf

McNew, S.M., S.A. Knutie, G.B. Goodman, A. Saulsberry, A. Hansen, J Yépez, S.E. Bush and D.H. Clayton. 2019. Annual environmental variation influences host tolerance to parasites 286 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. pdf

McNew, S.M. and D.H. Clayton. 2018. Alien invasion: Biology of Philornis downsi, an introduced parasitic fly of Galápagos birds. Annual Review of Entomology. 63: 369-387. pdf

McNew, S.M., D. Beck, I. Sadler-Riggleman, S.A. Knutie, J.A. H. Koop, D.H. Clayton, and M.A. Skinner. Epigenetic variation between urban and rural populations of Darwin's finches. BMC Evolutionary Biology 17:183. Press coverage: Forbes, IFL Science, ScienceDaily, Utah Business. pdf

Knutie, S.A., J.P. Owen, S.M. McNew, A.W. Bartlow, E. Arriero, J.M. Herman, E. DiBlasi, M. Thompson, J.A.H. Koop and D.H. Clayton. 2016. Galápagos mockingbirds tolerate introduced parasites that affect Darwin’s finches. Ecology. 97(4): 940-950. pdf

Knutie SA,  S.M. McNew, A.W. Bartlow, D.A. Vargas, and D.H. Clayton. 2014. Darwin's finches combat introduced nest parasites with fumigated cotton. Current Biology 24(9):R355-6. pdf

Dickerman, RW, S.M. McNew, and C.C. Witt. 2013. Long-distance movement in a Dusky Great Horned Owl and limits to phylogeography for establishing provenance. 2013. Western North American Naturalist 72(4): 401-408. pdf

Baumann, M.J., S.M. McNew, and C.C. Witt. 2013. Morphological and molecular evidence confirm the first definitive eastern White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta c. carolinensis) for New Mexico. Western Birds 44(2): 90-97. pdf

Johnson, A.B., S.M. McNew, M.S. Graus and C.C. Witt. 2011. Mitochondrial DNA and meteorological data indicate a Caribbean origin for New Mexico’s first Sooty Tern (Onychoprion fuscatus).  Western Birds 42:233-242. pdf

Baumann, M.J., N.D. Pederson, J. Oldenettel, M.S. Graus, S.M. McNew and C.C. Witt. 2011. Molecular and morphological evidence confirm the first record of Eastern Whip-poor-will (Caprimulgus vociferus) for New Mexico.  New Mexico Ornithological Bulletin 39(1): 1-10. pdf